10 Questions for the „Leavers“

Da ich gerade meinen persönlichen Brexit, den Auszug aus (Wiesbaden-) Breckenheim, vorbereite, kann ich die die Idiotieoptimierung einer knappen Mehrheit eines exzentrischen Inselvolks nicht weiter kommentieren.
Stattdessen hier einige sehr berechtigte Fragen von Heart-Beat(e) in vorherragendem Englisch (wünschte, meines wäre halb so gut).


Ok , Germany calling here, with lots and lots of questions, which have been puzzling us ordinary Germans to such an extent, that we would be very grateful, if a “Leaver” could explain at least the top 10 to us.

  1. What exactly did the EU force on you that you found so intolerable that you rather took the risk of a recession & alienation?
  •           6 l water limit on flushing the toilets?
  •                    Straight cucumbers?

Please just name the top 3.

  1. If there was such big concern, how the EU shaped Britain, why did only 35.6% of the British population vote at the last European Parliament Elections?
  1. What borders are you now getting back? Farage seemed to be rather excited about that, but we here in Germany are still very confused, as you never shared a border with anyone (other than Ireland, but that problem may get solved now…

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Berufe: Jurist, Musiker, IT-Berater. Hobbies: Web-Aktionismus (seit 1999), Musik, Geschichte, Linguistik, Strategiespiele.
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